Emory University

Public Voices Fellowship

EMORY launched our Public Voices Fellowship pilot in September 2012 and renewed in 2013-14. To date, fellows have produced 100s of pieces of thought leadership, including published op-eds, national radio and TV appearances. Fellows have added their voices to major national conversations on a wide range of topics from sequestration to marriage equality to gun control. Dorothy Brown published at least 6 op-eds in major venues including Forbes, Bloomberg, and The National Law Journal and has been a guest on National Public Radio, WBEZ Chicago, and PBS. Following these successes, The New York Times approached her to write an op-ed on social security tax, which she published with them in April 2013. After writing six op-eds, another fellow was sought out and interviewed by Dan Rather for a special report on for-profit education.  In year two, fellow Tim Holbrooke met with former US President Jimmy Carter, who sought him out after reading his op-eds on (among other things) being LGBT and Christian. 


EMORY public voices y2 (2013-14)

emory public voices y1 (2012-13)